Jakarta is not too big, but is not to easy to found an address where I don't know, I asked my friend and he told me using 06 Minibus from Cililitan (at there had 2
kinds 06, red and blue. I choose the blue, and you know it's wrong. The right is the red minibus). With the 06 blue I go and I doesn't saw the Ladee's place, I'm still pretty sure the minibus I used is right (at the time I don't know if there had red 06) because my friend told me just one times using minibus and I got the place. But .. It's too long. So I called my friend and ask again, and I ... fyuh.. just can sigh :(
Alhamdulillah, when I come to the place I met my friend so I'm not lonely at there and joint with them for got home.
For my friend, Lady and wife. Congratulation for your wedd and wish for you being a blissfully family.
Congrates :)
*what time I will get that? pray for me. amin
Teman-teman, bolehlah koreksi dari kalian atas ketidaktepatan penggunaan bahasa Inggris saya.